Sunday, July 17, 2011

Getting Big

The girls are getting bigger and bigger everyday;  with this constant growing a few changes have been made around our house.  Rachel has grown out of the bassinet and needed the space that the crib would provide, therefore Lauren has been booted out of the crib and has joyfully accepted "the big girl bed"  as her new place of rest.  I had been keeping an eye out for a toddler bed and mattress for a while but everything seemed kind of expensive.  But thanks to Criagslist we got this little bed complete with mattress for $25 bucks.  Not as good as free but definitely more in our price range.  So thank you Craigslist.  Lauren has been really good at staying in it for bedtime and even naps, I'll admit I was pretty worried about how it would all go down, but so far it hasn't been bad at all.

Our next big challenge is far more daunting to me than a bed though.  We've decided to take the plunge starting tomorrow (I have a thing for starting goals or new things on Mondays) and start......potty training.  I think Lauren is definitely ready and now seems to be a really good time to start.  All the same though, it's like standing at the beginning of a marathon:  you're excited for what you are about to accomplish, but at the same time you know it's going to be hard and messy and probably not go quite how you imagine and you already wish you were done with it.  But like a marathon, the best and only way to get done with it is to go forward.  And go forward we will...tomorrow.  Wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. Way to be brave! I hope potty training is going well! The best of luck to you and Lauren!
