Thursday, October 21, 2010

Arts and Crafts

So I’ve never been one who was very crafty, but being out of school and home all day has allowed more time for some exploration into my long lost or barely existent crafty side.  Most of this is crocheted stuff.  I started learning how to crochet this summer because I wanted to make cute stuff for Lauren.  I found a book at the BYU bookstore on clearance for $5 with patterns for little kids and started trying things.  So don’t look too closely at the crocheted stuff, I’m still learning J

I saw another little girl with a hat like this and that's what made me want to learn to crochet

A little something to make our apartment feel more fallish

Storage pockets

A birthday present for my brother-in-law, Michael


  1. You are super talented! Way to go! I LOVE Lauren's hat!

  2. who's that handsome young man in the orange hat anyway?
