Saturday, February 9, 2013

An even HUGER family...

One afternoon this past fall I was walking out of a store holding hands with Lauren and Rachel.  Lauren happily said "Look! We are a big family! With a mommy, Rachel, and Lauren!"  I asked her what we would be after we picked Daddy up from work and she said, "We'll be a HUGE family!"  Then I said "What will we be when our baby comes?" Lauren thought for a minute and said, "An even HUGER family!"  (I don't know if that is how you spell it, but I figure spelling is irrelevant on a word made up by a three year old.)

So on February 3rd at 3:02pm we officially became an even huger family. Our beautiful Emily came in at 7lbs. 11 oz. 20 3/4 inches long and lots (relative to our other girls) of dark hair
Introducing Emily Anne Woolsey
It says "Welcome Emily"

Lauren really likes her and will ask to hold her
Rachel likes to talk about her, but doesn't really want to touch her
All ready to go home

They let us go home the next day by lunch time which was pretty awesome. Luckily daddy finished his report at work so he could stay home with us most of the week. :)

All the girls wanted to jump on Daddy
Lauren trying to use Daddy as her magical carriage 

I love these jammies

New clothes

Sleepy daddy
She had me worried the first couple days, she was quite the screamer, any time you did anything to her aside from feeding.  Without much warning she would go straight to the shrill, high pitched scream. After a few days being home where they don't jab your heel with needles and prod you with various other objects, she calmed right down and has proved to be a very good baby.  We love our little Emily!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations you guys! She is so cute, just like her sisters! :)
