Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Joys

We were so blessed this Christmas to get to spend three weeks with both of our families.  Sadly I forgot to take very many pictures so I will be relying on family (hint, hint) to send any of the ones they have my way.

The girls were in heaven the whole trip getting loads of attention and lots of new toys and books to entertain.  I also feel like the three weeks allowed both of them to gain a stronger relationship with both sets of grandparents and aunts and uncles to the point that they felt comfortable with them when Ryan and I were not around.  We managed a few nights out alone which were wonderful.

Much to Lauren's and my dismay (since I had packed a ton of snow clothes) was the complete lack of snow our entire time in Utah.  Every time Lauren's would see a small patch of usually blackish grayish nasty snow she would beg to build a snowman or make a snow angel in it.  However there were some nice days in the upper 40s and lower 50s where we were able to go enjoy the park.

We were also able to go to Temple Square and check out the lights, go to the Children's Museum, Lauren rode a trax train for the first time (which she loved), and we went to several family parties and visited other extended family, and Ryan completed his Zelda game :)

But at the end of the three weeks it was time to come home and to quote one of Lauren's favorite books:  "To say goodbye is always sad, but coming home is never bad."  Thank you Woolsey and Merkley mom and dad for the great Christmas gift!
Christmas Jammies, they're tradition
Rachel's first Christmas

Lauren's kitchen
Let's face it all your kids really want for Christmas is a big
cardboard box.

This is OUR box, find your own mom

Rachel getting shoved out of the box

1 comment:

  1. I love their pj's! Yeah, I was really disappointed that there wasn't any snow when we went up. I even have a snow suite for Brooklyn, but didn't even get to use it. I'm glad you got to go visit family, I bet it was so nice to see everyone.
