Monday, January 25, 2010

Calling Out ShAnneDrew Strabley!!!

Since I know you are one of the only people who reads this blog, this post is for you.  As you know we got Ryan's favorite game, Carcassonne, for Christmas.  Due to an awesome sale at the toy store, we bought two of the expansions over the weekend: Traders & Builders and the Dragon.  We played yesterday and they pretty much rock, even though Ryan totally kicked my trash.  We're calling you guys out for a game night, at your convenience of course.  You pick the time, we've got the place.  Prepare to get your game on!

RyLaurNah Woozly


  1. Oh my. I am now famous. I have people writing about me on the interweb! We would love to play let me talk to ShAnneDrew and get back with you.

  2. Hannah,

    I just discovered your blog and am obviously stalking you by reading up on all your old posts. I didn't know you guys were Carcassonne fans. We are too. Maybe we'll have to figure out a way to play that together.


    P.S. Love the blog.
