This month past month has been a blur. Aside from doing some life adjusting, all of us have been in a perpetual cycle of sickness. We have been to the doctor way too many times for my taste and spent a lot of money in co-pays and prescriptions.
For my own record this is the chronology of the past month since Emily was born:
Feb. 4th - Released from the hospital with instructions to stay home and take it easy. haha
Feb. 5th - Took Emily to the doctor for check up and jaundice test.
Feb. 6th - Took Emily to ER
Feb. 7th - Met with lactation consultant
Feb. 8th - Ryan had to go back to work
Feb 9th - Woolsey parents here
Feb 11th - Took Emily to a friend's for newborn pictures. I come down with chills and a fever
Feb 12th - Friend comes over to take pictures with all the girls. I still have a fever and find out I have mastitis. I call the doctor and order a prescription and they ask me to bring Emily in so they can check her weight and make sure she is getting enough to eat.
Feb. 16th - Merkley parents here
Feb. 17th - Emily's baby blessing
Feb. 18th - Family all goes home, Ryan has the day off
Feb 19th - Emily's two week check-up, everything looks good
Feb 24th - Emily wakes up with lots of greenish goop covering her eyes, kind of congested. The two older girls and I start coming down with colds.
Feb 25th - Dr. visit for Emily to look at goop, doctor takes culture and tells us she will get back to us
Feb 26th - Lauren first day of "preschool" (actually more of a glorified playgroup with kids her age)
Feb. 28th - Lauren wakes up with red goopy eyes, that evening the doctor calls confirms bacterial infection for Emily and asks about other girls, she tells me since these infections are so contagious she would order a prescription for all three girls
March 1st - Rachel wakes up with red goopy eyes, all girls start prescription eye drops
March 2nd - Lauren wakes up with hives, they disappear within a few hours. I call the doctor and they tell us to stop using eye drops on her and to give her some benadryl. I spent the morning at a church women's conference and Ryan cleans the whole house while I'm gone (I love him so much :)
Mar 3rd - Girls stay home from church due to their nasty colds and eye infections. Ryan comes home feeling sick.
Mar 4th - Rachel wakes up from nap with hives on ankles and feet, they disappear within the hour, doctor tells us to stop using eye drops with her and give her benadryl. Emily is very congested and starts to get a little bit of a cough.
Rachel wakes up at 9:40pm screaming, she has hives all over legs and spots on arms, hands, stomach. I call the doctor and they tell me to give her more benadryl and we schedule a doctor appointment for the following day.
Mar 5th - Rachel wakes up in the morning with a few spots of hives but they don't seem to be bothering her. At our appointment Rachel breaks out in hives behind her ears while waiting for the doctor. By the time the doctor came in she was crying and holding her ears shouting "I don't like it!" Doctor checks her out and can't find anything, she says often with hives you never find out the cause. Great.
Rachel woke up again this morning with hives and saying her eyes hurt. Good. Grief.